Honoring Our Fallen Heroes

On Saturday, Congressman Kevin McCarthy took part in a Memorial Day Ceremony at Bakersfield National Cemetery to honor our fallen heroes who paid the ultimate sacrifice in service to our great nation. They have helped our country remain the land of the free and the home of the brave, not just for their generation, but for countless future generations of Americans.

Highlights of the speech are below, or you can watch it in its entirety here.

"Normally a Memorial Day Ceremony [at Bakersfield National Cemetery], which I always believe is the most beautiful National Cemetery anywhere in the country, we have a big crowd because this community honors those that defended our freedom. And just like today we might be doing it virtually, but our commitment, our dedication, is even stronger...

"Memorial Day is a time we remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. Those who gave their life for those [they] didn't even know...And they're all unique and they're all different. They had their own families, their own dreams, but they had the same devotion to freedom and to liberty.

"Educate the future generation that an individual that they did not meet changed their life, changed the course of history, not just for our community, but for our country and our world. That they [gave] the ultimate sacrifice of their own life [to] freedom and liberty. We must never forget them.

"God Bless."
