Recognizing Michael Warrick

Floor Speech

Date: May 19, 2020
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. HILL of Arkansas. Madam Speaker, I rise today to recognize and congratulate my friend--Michael Warrick, who was recently named the 2020 Arkansas Living Treasure by the Arkansas Arts Council.

The Arkansas Arts Council Living Treasure award was created in 2002 and recognizes an Arkansas artist who excels in the creation of a traditional craft and who actively preserves and advances their craft through community outreach and educating others.

That certainly describes Michael, who has taught sculpture at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock for three decades.

He grew up in a small town outside of Chicago and his interest in sculpting and the arts was evident from a young age. He earned his undergraduate degree in ceramics and master's degree in fine arts.

He is known to have a profound impact on many of his students, several becoming successful artists in their own right.

I join all Arkansans in congratulating Michael on this achievement and look forward to seeing more of his work throughout Little Rock in the years to come.

