NH Delegation Announces $15.2 Million for NH Airports Through CARES Act


oday, U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), a negotiator of the bipartisan Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Representatives Annie Kuster (NH-02) and Chris Pappas (NH-01) announced that New Hampshire airports will receive $15.2 million through the CARES Act to support them during the COVID-19 crisis. The continued operation of New Hampshire's airports is needed to ensure essential workers and supplies are able to reach the state and to keep necessary travel open and available for Granite State businesses and industries. Senator Shaheen successfully led efforts in the Senate to provide funding to airports in the CARES Act.

"Throughout this crisis, delivering desperately needed assistance to New Hampshire has been my top priority," said Shaheen. "These resources will provide urgent relief to help our airports weather this storm so they can continue to operate and provide Granite Staters with transportation options once this pandemic is behind us. However, much work remains and we need continued cooperation at all levels of government to protect the health and economic strength of our communities."

"Given the severe revenue shortfall that airports are facing due to COVID-19, Congress included significant funding for airports of all sizes in the CARES Act," said Hassan. "I'm pleased that this funding is now going out to Manchester and other airports serving communities across our state, and I will continue to work with our Congressional Delegation to support our airports, which are critical economic drivers."

"New Hampshire's airports are critically important to our state's economy," said Kuster. "Like so many other industries, airports are struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic, and this funding will help support their continued operation through this public health crisis. I will continue working to ensure community resources and businesses in New Hampshire have the resources they need to get through this health and economic emergency."

"Our airports are a major part of New Hampshire's economy, and we must support them through this pandemic and beyond," said Pappas. "This direct support is crucial to maintain operations and meet unprecedented challenges, and we must seek additional federal resources as our airports recover. As a member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, I will continue to do all I can to advocate for Manchester, Pease, and other New Hampshire airports while pushing for a larger infrastructure package that will create jobs and invest in our future."

"On behalf of the employees at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport, I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to Senator Shaheen for spearheading the efforts to include airport needs in the CARES Act," said Ted Kitchens, A.A.E. Airport Director of Manchester-Boston Regional Airport. "Funds from the grant will help offset the economic losses we anticipate for this fiscal year at MHT due to the unprecedented drop in passenger traffic as a result of the coronavirus. New Hampshire is blessed to have a strong federal delegation, and their continued support will be critical as we navigate the long road back to normalcy."
