Letter to D.G. Macpherson, CEO of W.W. Grainger, Inc. - Pandemic is No Time for Profit on PPE Sold to First Responders, Stanton and Gallego Say


Dear Mr. Macpherson:

Over the last few weeks, we have seen the very best of our nation--doctors and nurses
putting themselves in harm's way to help strangers, police officers and firefighters fearlessly
taking on new threats to our safety, everyday Americans lending a helping hand to neighbors in

At a time when so many are doing so much, it is maddening that some choose to look at
those same Good Samaritans as prey. There are countless reports that companies like yours that
sell protective equipment to those who need it most have taken full advantage of the COVID-19
pandemic, pitting public safety agencies against each other in an effort to run up prices and pump
up profits.

This conduct is un-American. It is also illegal.

Earlier this month, we asked the U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade
Commission to investigate a vendor which quoted the City of Phoenix prices nearly 600 percent
higher than the normal rate for N95 masks. That vendor has since announced that they will forgo
all profits on the masks they sell to ensure our health care workers and first responders have the
equipment they need to keep themselves and others safe.

We understand that your company has also similarly increased protective equipment
prices. There is still time for Grainger to do the right thing.

We urge that Grainger take a pledge to forego all profits on life-saving protective
equipment it sells to America's health care professionals and first responders who are on the
front lines battling this pandemic. It's the right thing to do.

