Eligible Veterans to Automatically Receive Stimulus Checks without Filing Tax Returns

Press Release

By: Phil Roe
By: Phil Roe
Date: April 17, 2020
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes Veterans

Today, Rep. Phil Roe (R-Tenn.), the Ranking Member of the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, released the following statement after the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs and the U.S. Department of the Treasury announced that eligible veterans who do not file income taxes do not need to file a tax return in order to receive their stimulus check:

"I am pleased to learn today that all eligible veterans will be able receive their stimulus check -- regardless of whether or not they have filed a tax return. Many of our nation's veterans and their families who do not typically file a tax return are among the most vulnerable and I have been working closely with Secretary Wilkie and Secretary Mnuchin to eliminate this barrier and get them the help they need and most certainly deserve. I encourage all veterans and their families to visit www.irs.gov if they have any additional questions."

Note: VA and the Treasury announced today that veterans who receive compensation and pension benefits and do not file federal tax returns will automatically receive their stimulus checks and will no longer be required to file the simple tax return through the IRS' online tool. There should be no interruption in payment for those veterans who have already filed a simple tax return using that tool.
