Congressman Fred Keller responds to Gov. Wolf's order closing physical locations of all "non-life-sustaining businesses"

Press Release

Date: March 19, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Fred Keller (R-PA) Thursday responded to Governor Tom Wolf ordering the closure of the physical locations of all "non-life-sustaining businesses" in Pennsylvania. The order came with no notice only hours before it took effect and provided no guidance to employees, businesses, and government stakeholders affected by such a sweeping and potentially economically crippling order.

Within minutes of the Governor's order being issued, Congressman Keller's offices received a deluge of questions from businesses and employees looking for clarification and guidance on the Governor's order.

In response, Congressman Fred Keller (R-PA) issued the following statement:

"Small businesses and their employees are the heart of our communities and the heart of this country. While protecting public safety is government's top priority right now, Gov. Wolf's sweeping order disregards the guidance set forth by public health officials and puts at risk our long-term economic security. His decision to shut down Pennsylvania businesses will have deep consequences for businesses trying to stay open in uncertain times and the employees who depend on a regular wage and accurate information from their employer.

"The Governor must provide absolute certainty to employers, employees, and all those tasked with representing them in government about what his order means, how employers can ensure they will be able to operate after this crisis subsides, and how employees can ensure they get a family-sustaining wage in the short term.

"We are facing this crisis as one people. Short-sighted, wide-ranging orders that provide no context and no information serve only to sow the seeds of chaos in an otherwise uncertain time. The hardworking people of Pennsylvania deserve better from their government, and I urge Gov. Wolf to immediately provide clarity to the millions of small businesses and workers he represents."
