Harris Releases Statement on Passage of Phase 3 Coronavirus Legislation


Date: March 27, 2020

Today, the CARE act passed the House, but it is a perfect example of how the swamp works in Washington. Congress knew exactly what our citizens and businesses needed, but too many in the Congressional swamp felt that "you never let a serious crisis go to waste" in the words of former Democrat Congressman Rahm Emanuel.

This bill was filled with pork and earmarks -- many I have listed on my social media account for several days now. But worst of all, there was one thing that was most damaging to our businesses in the First District - for the first time ever we will pay Americans more to stay on unemployment than to go back to work.

The CARE Act effectively raises the minimum wage in Maryland to well over $20 an hour -- much more than many of our small businesses can afford to pay their employees. Small businesses that desperately want to get back to work quickly after this crisis ends will have to compete with a government check for months. It is unfair competition to the small- and even medium-sized businesses that call our First District home, and will prolong the economic crisis.

Once again, thank you to all our healthcare workers who selflessly and compassionately treat the victims of Wuhan virus.
