CNN "CNN Newsroom" - Transcript: Interview With Rep. Terri Sewell


Date: March 5, 2020


BALDWIN: Joining me now, Congresswoman Terri Sewell, a Democrat from Alabama who's endorsing the former vice president.

So, Congresswoman Sewell, a pleasure. Welcome.

REP. TERRI SEWELL (D-AL): Thank you so much, Brooke.

BALDWIN: First, just on the women point, why do you think Senator Warren or any of those women fared better?

SEWELL: You know, I have to say, I'm just so proud of all of the women candidates for president on the Democratic side.

You know, it was historic, the sheer number of them. And what a class act they all have turned out to be. And they really did bring to the forefront really important issues, such as Paid Medical Leave Act for families, and there's so many other issues that were brought to the forefront.

And, you know, Senator Warren was such a class act today. And you know, she brought some bold ideas into the debate. And so I think that we should all be proud of the women candidates that were for the presidential race, yes.

BALDWIN: As far as the huge question about who she endorses, you know, there is no rule. Just because of what with Buttigieg and Klobuchar--


BALDWIN: -- there's no rule she has to come out immediately and endorse anyone. A lot of people wondering, will it be Bernie Sanders, will it be Joe Biden?

Some people around her think she has a shot as Joe Biden's V.P., if she were to perhaps endorse him. Would you be on board if that were to happen?

SEWELL: You know, I can't speak for who Senator Warren's going to actually support.

But I can tell you, whoever she lends her support to will have a real fighter on their side. And, look, I think that Vice President Biden has really turned out to be the consensus candidate. We were so proud of his big win in Alabama, especially in my district, where no other candidate got above 15 percent.

I think that Senator Warren is a real fighter, and she was really great in those debates. And I think--


BALDWIN: But if she were to -- let me just jump in.

If she were to be on Joe Biden's ticket, would you be on board? SEWELL: I actually -- I support Joe Biden, and I support his decision

as to whoever his vice presidential candidate will be.


SEWELL: And I'm really proud of Senator Warren and Harris and Gillibrand and Klobuchar. They all were amazing candidates, and bring a lot to bear.

And we'd love to have their support for Joe Biden. I think that Biden has turned out to be the consensus candidate, and we look forward to winning more states. And I'm really excited about the win that we had Super Tuesday and the fact that we really are going to be able to support down-ballot candidates.


I'm vice chair of Ways and Means. And I don't get the gavel unless the chairman has to use the bathroom.


SEWELL: But I can tell you that, being in the majority, the House Democratic majority, has been great, and we want to keep those gavels.

And I do believe that the fact that he was able to win so many swing districts, that Joe Biden was able to win in so many swing districts, as well as solidifying his black vote, is critically important.

BALDWIN: I appreciate, of course, your enthusiasm.

But now there's been this whole conversation over the establishment, right?


BALDWIN: Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders seem to disagree over what the word establishment means. Take a listen.


BALDWIN: Take a listen to this.



SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I-VT), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Joe is running a campaign which is obviously heavily supported by the corporate establishment.

JOSEPH BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: The establishment are all those hardworking middle-class people, those African-Americans, those single women in suburbia.


BALDWIN: What do you make of this establishment battle?

SEWELL: Listen, I don't know.

I think that you all in the media are making a little too much of this. I think that it's really important that what's happening is we're consolidating around Joe Biden. And I think that that, in and of itself, is a real big win.

But I think that the real story of Super Tuesday is that--

BALDWIN: But you don't -- forgive me, Congresswoman.

SEWELL: Yes, sure.

BALDWIN: If you do listen to all of this back and forth--


BALDWIN: -- it is Joe Biden, it is Bernie Sanders on this whole us vs. them and establishment. We're just covering it. I just want to be clear.

SEWELL: I hear what you're saying.

But I guess what I'm saying is that I don't know when the last time African-Americans were considered to be establishment voters, I mean, in the sense that we have often -- it's a very important bloc within the Democratic Party, and it's a bloc that Joe Biden has earned the right to win.

And, you know, I think that the story, as I was trying to say, for Super Tuesday was just that democracy triumphed. I thought that momentum won over money, and I think that that's a win for all Americans.

I know that I look forward to rolling up my sleeve as a surrogate and continuing Joe Biden's win through other states. But I also think that it's important that we coalesce and unite the Democratic Party.

And so I'm really looking for a candidate that will also unite the party. I think it's important that we have -- that we -- that Warren supporters know that we have a space for them in the Biden coalition, as well as a space for Sanders supporters.

I think that, as a Democratic -- a New Democratic Coalition vice chair, I think it's important that we also remember that it's about not just the presidency, but who can also win down-ballot.


SEWELL: And I think that, for my voters, they were looking at who could best beat Donald Trump come November. And I think that there's room in the Biden coalition for both Warren and Sanders supporters. BALDWIN: Congresswoman Terri Sewell, thank you very much.

SEWELL: Thank you.

BALDWIN: Thank you.

