CNN "CNN Newsroom" - Transcript: Interview With Rep. Tony Cardenas


Date: March 3, 2020


BALDWIN: Speaking of Joe Biden -- and, Brian, thank you -- Joe Biden picked up California Congressman Tony Cardenas' endorsement back in December.

The congressman said then that the former vice president is his choice because -- quote -- "He will help bring stability back to the country."

And Congressman Cardenas is with me now.

Welcome, sir.

REP. TONY CARDENAS (D-CA): Thank you, Brooke. Glad to be here.

BALDWIN: It has been quite the past 24 hours for Joe Biden. I mean, how significant do you think these last-minute endorsements, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, O'Rourke, are in the minds of voters today?

CARDENAS: They're very important, because they brought their own brand to the debates and to their own campaigns.

And for them to continuously get behind one candidate, Joe Biden, who is a unifier -- and that's a perfect example of unification. Joe Biden can connect with the regular folk, and also connect with the people who are actually up here getting their hands into the policy, trying to make good things happen for all Americans.

So I think it's good momentum, and it's a perfect example of who Joe Biden is. He unifies people.

BALDWIN: Well, listen to what Senator Elizabeth Warren said about your candidate.


SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: No matter how many Washington insiders tell you to support him, nominating fellow Washington insider will not meet this moment.


WARREN: Nominating a man who says we do not need any fundamental change in this country will not meet this moment.


WARREN: And nominating someone who wants to restore the world before Donald Trump, when the status quo has been leaving more and more people behind for decades, is a big risk for our party and for our country.


BALDWIN: Congressman, care to respond to that?


CARDENAS: Yes. Like I said, Joe Biden unifies. Elizabeth Warren's comments there, I don't know what context the entire speech was, but those are certain comments that she was just really poking at one particular individual, somebody she's actually running against.

So I discount some of her comments by the fact that she's talking about an opponent.

But let's get back to the fact of the matter is, a lot of people are excited about Joe Biden. One of your folks out there just mentioned earlier in Virginia that he talked to a lot of people today, a lot of Joe Biden supporters. And it was touching to hear that one woman brought one of her children with her.

My mom was the -- one of the two parents in my family who was an American citizen. She used to take one of us kids with her all the time to teach us the value and the importance of being involved in a democracy.

So I'm very excited about today. Fourteen states of going to speak today. I think Joe Biden is going to do an amazing job.

BALDWIN: I remember being a little girl, and my mom brought me. It's such an important thing to teach your children, no matter who you're voting for, but just to bring them and to show them the importance of the vote.

Congressman Tony Cardenas, thank you so much for being on.

CARDENAS: Thank you, Brooke.

