Norton Pleased Flight Paths Will Stay over Potomac River, Announces FAA Comment Period is Open to D.C. Residents


Date: March 9, 2020
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) announced today that District of Columbia residents can comment on the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) proposed changes to flight patterns at Washington National Airport (DCA). On January 31, 2020, the FAA implemented a temporary Air Traffic procedure change at DCA in response to requests from the United States Secret Service. The temporary procedure moved north-flow departing aircraft away from protected airspace above the National Mall and the White House (P-56). However, aircraft will still be required to fly over the Potomac River, not over D.C. neighborhoods, a change achieved after a long struggle.

The temporary procedure is intended to determine the effectiveness of the amended waypoint in reducing the number of incursions into P-56. The FAA is inviting comments from the public on environmental concerns about the temporary procedure.

The FAA's public comment period will run from February 27, 2020, until March 30, 2020. Comments from the public can be submitted electronically by accessing the project's electronic mailbox: or by accessing the following website:

"I understand the need to address the Secret Service's national security concerns and to protect the historic monuments located on the Mall, and I appreciate the FAA's efforts to accomplish these goals while simultaneously considering the impacts of airplane noise on District residents," Norton said. "I am pleased that the FAA will be keeping aircraft flight paths over the Potomac River and that District residents can participate in the public comment period if they wish to have their voices heard on this important issue."
