Congressman Cohen Introduces Bill to Protect Civil Rights Monuments from Vandalism


Date: Feb. 28, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Steve Cohen (TN-09) and Congressman Bennie Thompson introduced the Civil Rights Legacy Protection Act, which would reinforce protections for civil rights memorials and monuments across the United States.

The bill directs the U.S. Commission of Civil Rights to create a list of monuments and memorials that should be protected and establish federal penalties to protect those monuments and memorials from vandalism. See the text of the bill here.

Congressman Cohen, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Constitution, Civil rights and Civil Liberties, provided the following statement:

"It is our responsibility to commemorate and honor the history of the Civil Rights Movement and those who fought for justice and equal rights. When someone vandalizes or destroys a civil rights monument, they attack the legacy of the movement, the progress we have made as a nation, and our shared values of equality and pluralism. This bill will ensure, for the first time, that the perpetrators of these hateful acts are brought to justice."

The Civil Rights Legacy Protection Act has been endorsed by the Emmett Till Memorial Commission. Read their letter of support here.
