Senator David Perdue Discusses Coronavirus On Fox Business


Date: March 5, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Senator David Perdue (R-GA) joined Fox Business' "Mornings with Maria" to discuss bipartisan efforts to contain the coronavirus and protect the American people. This week, Senator Perdue will accompany President Trump on a visit to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia.


Strong Leadership In White House: "When we have strong leadership from the White House, Congress can actually act in a situation of seriousness like this. I give President Trump a lot of credit. He recognized early that this could be serious, and he and Vice President Pence have mobilized. We get updates pretty much every day. I think we gained a couple of months because of the early moves we made about quarantine and travel limitations. We're educating the public now about how to stay healthy and how to defend ourselves against this virus."

CDC In Georgia: "I'm extremely proud to have the CDC in Georgia. They've been a stalwart against all these potential pandemics over the last 50 years. They do a fantastic job. I give Vice President Pence credit too. He has stepped up on this testing issue, and we now have the capability to do over 1.5 million tests right now."

Perspective: "Let's keep it in perspective. In this flu season, we had 32 million normal flu cases and 18,000 deaths already. That's tragic. Here so far, we have only 160 cases and 11 tragic deaths from coronavirus. Even with those numbers, the President, Vice President, and all of the professionals are taking a bipartisan approach. Everybody is on notice to make sure we're ready for any result, including plans for quarantines, travel restrictions, or whatever we have to do to contain this in the United States."

Need Contingency Budget: "There's a bigger issue here. What we need in our federal budget is a contingency budget for these things. Most states have that. Most businesses have that. The federal government just borrows more money and spends it in the emergencies. We need a contingency plan to deal with these things."
