Moving Our Democracy and Congressional Operations Towards Modernization Resolution

Floor Speech

Date: March 10, 2020
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to join my fellow colleagues on the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress in support of H. Res. 756.

Over these past many months, under the incredible leadership of Representative Kilmer and Representative Graves, the members of the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress have worked diligently to address many, many issues that we believe in a bipartisan way have negatively impacted the ability of Congress to work effectively and efficiently for all Americans.

Throughout my time in Congress, I have heard time after time many concerns from my constituents who believe that Congress has become too mired in gridlock, that our current political process has devolved into a system that rewards bitter partisan divide rather than an effective, for-the-people governance. I think my constituents would be so pleased, and all of our constituents would be so pleased, to see how this committee has worked and how we have plodded together through many difficult subjects.

In the process of creating 2\1/2\ dozen recommendations, including this resolution, I think a couple of the most important the committee is focused on are how to foster that more civil discourse, beginning with new Member orientation.

I want to applaud the chair and the ranking member of the Committee on House Administration for being so open-minded about any ideas that our committee put forward, willing to make changes to many programs, beginning with new Member orientation; also, efforts to create a congressional workforce more representative of our country's diverse population through initiatives like making permanent the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, and focusing on issues such as streamlining and reorganizing human resource services for the House of Representatives.

We often operate as 435 different offices, but we can learn so much from each other. We can find, with collaboration and with a stronger H.R. office, better expertise in communications policies and constituent services.

So it is my firm belief that the recommendations being voted on will be an integral step in moving Congress forward in a direction that not only produces a more productive workforce and workplace, but a more productive legislative branch.

Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois.

