Walorski Launches Bipartisan Women in STEM Caucus


U.S. Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) this week launched the first ever Women in STEM Caucus, alongside co-chairs Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-Pa.), Rep. Haley Stevens (D-Mich.), and Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.). The bipartisan House caucus was founded to increase the presence of women and underrepresented minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, or STEM. The caucus currently has 13 members from both sides of the aisle.

"STEM education is a driving force behind our nation's 21st century economy, strengthening our workforce through hands-on learning, technical training, and real-world application of the skills required in cutting-edge jobs," Congresswoman Walorski said. "That's especially true in northern Indiana, a manufacturing hub that depends on innovation and skill to build made-in-America products. By expanding access and encouraging girls of all ages to explore STEM fields, we can create more jobs and opportunity in our communities and open doors for them to achieve their full potential. I'm excited to help launch the bipartisan Women in STEM Caucus and work with my colleagues to change the landscape of American innovation so all ships can rise."

"I was one of 10 women in my engineering major," Congresswoman Houlahan said. "30 years later, the numbers haven't really changed. That's why we launched the Women in STEM Caucus. For too long, the STEM community has felt inaccessible to women and underrepresented minorities. I'm proud to stand alongside my colleagues from both sides of the aisle to give STEM a much needed makeover. Our mission is clear: show women, girls, and underrepresented minorities that STEM is for everyone."

"As a Member of the House Science Committee, and as someone who previously worked in a manufacturing research lab, I have seen and learned about the discrimination and institutional barriers for women in STEM fields," Congresswoman Stevens said. "Women and girls everywhere need to know that they can succeed in the STEM fields, and that our country and our economy won't succeed without them. That's why I am so proud to serve as a co-chair of the new Congressional Women in STEM Caucus. I look forward to working with the other co-chairs to grow this bipartisan caucus into a powerful force for change, and to ensure that women are given equal opportunities to conduct research, innovate, and discover the next great technological breakthrough."

"Arizona is home to the largest effort in the country by a university to support the entry and success of women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics," Congresswoman Lesko said. "As a representative of a state that is a leader in the cause to promote women in STEM, I am proud today to celebrate the establishment of the Congressional Women in STEM Caucus, and I am honored to serve as one of its co-chairs. It is important to encourage the success of women and girls in STEM fields and that is what I hope to do through my participation in this caucus."


The Women in STEM Caucus is a bipartisan group of members of Congress dedicated to advancing the important role women and underrepresented minorities in STEM fields play in boosting our economy, conducting groundbreaking research that leads to life-changing innovations, and furthering our nation's scientific enterprise.

Members in the caucus include Chairwoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and Representatives Tim Ryan, Deb Haaland, Seth Moulton, Joe Cunningham, Paul Tonko, Troy Balderson, and Mikie Sherrill, Derek Kilmer, and Cathy McMorris Rodgers.
