Issue Position: Paid Family Leave

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Family

The US is the only industrialized nation in the world that does not extend leave to its citizens for the birth of a child, long-term care needs or bereavement. Tom knows women's equality is about more than fair wages -- it's about having a voice and a seat at the table. The Steyer Administration will fight for full reproductive justice, workplace policies including pay equity and paid family leave, and equal educational opportunities.

As President of NextGen America, Tom advocated for key legislative victories in 2017, including SB63, New Parent Leave Act, a bill that expanded family leave for all those in Tom's home state of California.

When Tom is president, he will advocate for federal legislation that will allow a minimum of 6 months paid family leave for all workers, because new parents shouldn't have to choose between caring for their newborn child and keeping their jobs.
