Issue Position: Latinos

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

Tom Steyer and Latinos
As president, Tom will ensure that Latinos are continually supported to lead their own fight for environmental and economic justice on the national scale, ensuring that all Americans have a chance at prosperity, safety, and equal access to success.
The Latino community is an integral part of our nation's past, present, and future. And like our country, Latinos are culturally, politically and economically diverse -- united by the pursuit of the American Dream and the belief that together we all contribute to the growth and prosperity of this country.

Tom understands that Latino priorities are the priorities of all Americans. Tom and his wife, Kat Taylor, have been working alongside Latino communities and families across the nation on issues such as immigrant rights, environmental justice, and political empowerment.

From the gross neglect of Puerto Rico to the racist demonization of Mexicans and the exploitation of the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela for political gain, the Trump administration has been outwardly hostile toward Latino communities, both in the U.S. and abroad. One of the best ways to fight back against racism and discrimination in Washington is to ensure that Latinos have equal representation. Tom knows that for our government to be truly reflective of America, it must be diverse in race, ethnicity, and values. As president, Tom's cabinet will reflect this diversity and will work with Latino leaders to achieve full and fair representation.

As president, Tom will continue to level the playing field and ensure that Latinos are continually supported to lead their own fight for environmental and economic justice on the national scale, ensuring that all Americans have a chance at prosperity, safety, and equal access to success. Tom will return our focus and our policy to strive toward democracy, equality, and prosperity -- and he will cultivate a government that is truly of, by, and for the people.

A Living Wage and A Pathway to Prosperity
Economic power must rest with the American people, not big corporations. A Steyer administration will build an economy that creates wealth and prosperity for the working families of this country, and will finally put people over profits. Endemic poverty is a daily experience for far too many Americans, a disproportionate number of whom are Latinos, and our economy will not benefit most Americans until economic justice is prioritized as well as economic growth.

Climate Justice
Tom believes everyone has the right to breathe fresh air and drink clean water, free from industrial poisons. Tom is the only candidate who has proven his leadership on climate change.

Taking action on climate change is Tom's number one priority, and he understands that climate change is disproportionately affecting Latino communities, especially in low-income neighborhoods.

Under Tom's Justice-Centered Climate Plan, each community will identify what they need most, and his administration will issue $250 billion in new bonds to invest in those community-determined projects. This investment will mobilize hundreds of billions more to support projects and jobs such as sustainable housing and building upgrades, clean energy generation and storage, urban greening, and clean transportation systems in the places they are needed most.

Affordable Housing
31 percent of Latinos report that at some point in their lives they experienced discrimination when looking for a house or apartment specifically because they are Latino. Tom's affordable housing plan confronts America's history of racist housing policies that continue to keep communities of color from accessing the wealth-building opportunities that homeownership brings.

Tom's Climate Justice plan will invest in building climate-smart infrastructure beginning in those communities who have been most impacted by environmental racism and discriminatory land-use policies. This includes investments in affordable housing, and it creates millions of good-paying union jobs to build and retrofit America's homes and businesses.

Latino children are more likely to attend under-resourced schools than their white counterparts, and English language learners often don't receive the additional support they need. As a result, there is an achievement gap between Latinos and whites that begins early, and manifests in lower high school graduation and college completion rates.

To ensure opportunity for all, a Steyer administration will provide a world-class public education that gives every child the qualifications and skills to realize their potential and succeed in a 21st century economy. He will double federal investment in preK-12 education, and prioritize educational resources and learning opportunities.

Health Care
Tom understands that different communities face different health care needs. For too long, Latinos, tribal nations, women, veterans, rural communities, people with disabilities, and other communities have been denied a full suite of health care services -- and Latinos are the least likely ethnic group in the U.S. to have health insurance.

Tom supports a public option, and he will protect and build on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), reaffirming the ACA's commitment to providing for people younger than 26 and those living with pre-existing conditions.

A Fair Immigration Process
America is a nation of immigrants. For America to flourish, this has to be a place where immigrants can flourish, too. A path to citizenship and safe-haven from persecution are fundamental American values.

Tom will work toward comprehensive immigration reform, including re-establishing America as a safe haven for those fleeing persecution and oppression. He supports the DREAM Act and believes access to U.S. citizenship is a right for all DREAMers -- and Tom will ensure a swift and fair pathway to citizenship for the parents of U.S. citizens as well. Families can't wait.

Safe Communities
Some politicians, emboldened by the president's racist rhetoric, have stoked the flames of violence and white supremacy and are putting our country's Black, Latino, and religious minority communities in danger. From harassment in ICE detention centers to overrepresentation in our prison system, Latinos are being disproportionately impacted by systemic racism. This is unconscionable, and Tom will fight to ensure Safe Communities for all Americans.

But safe communities is about more than ensuring that people feel safe in their own communities -- we must develop and enact policies that ensure their safety. This includes common-sense gun laws to protect the 100,000 Americans who are killed or harmed by gun violence each year -- 3,200 of whom are Latinos. As president, Tom will enact and enforce policies to ensure that the most vulnerable communities among us are protected, including the LGBTQ community.

An Equal Vote and Fair Representation
Every American should play an equal role in the process of our democracy -- and for our government to reflect the will of the people, our representatives in Washington must be reflective of the diversity of our country. More than 70% of current Congressional members have held their positions for more than 12 years -- and each of the last five times we've elected a new Congress, we've brought in a more diverse, younger group that consistently stands up and fights for the needs of the American people on issues like climate change, gun legislation, and voting rights. A Steyer Administration will take steps to ensure that equal political power is extended to all Americans -- especially to Latinos who have been impacted by environmental racism and discriminatory policies.
