Issue Position: Immigration

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020
Issues: Immigration

Progressive and Humane Immigration Reform
Unless someone is native to this land or had their ancestors forcibly brought here in slavery, there was a moment in each American's family history when a relative made the serious, hopeful, and courageous decision to come to America.

Our nation has long offered itself as a place of refuge for those in need, but our current immigration system doesn't embody the values we take pride in -- compassion, hard work, family, openness, unity, and freedom.

Tom has a successful track record of supporting immigrants and their advocates. He helped establish a legal network that has provided services to over 1,600 immigrants and refugees, supported 1,100 DACA applicants in their renewal application process, and helped recruit 7,100 volunteer lawyers, interpreters, mental health professionals, and organizers to fight for immigrants' rights.

As president, Tom will reform this cruel system by immediately enacting protections for vulnerable immigrant communities, restructuring our legal immigration system, reimagining the asylum and refugee system to address the millions displaced by the climate crisis, and encouraging community-led engagement and participation.

"This president is not against immigration; he is against immigration by non-white people."
─ Tom Steyer

Use executive action to reinstate DACA and protect the most vulnerable immigrants
On his first day as president, Tom will move to protect immigrant communities who have been under attack. He will use executive action to reinstate and extend the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and enact Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA). He will end the racist Muslim travel ban, and redesignate nations as Temporary Protected Status (TPS) so those fleeing war or natural disasters can rebuild their lives without fear.

Provide a path to citizenship
There are currently between 10.5 and 12 million undocumented immigrants living in America -- they are our neighbors, co-workers, local business owners, family members, friends, and family. Their creativity, hard work, leadership, and valuable contributions to our society are going shamefully unrecognized. Tom's administration will work closely with Congress to establish a fair and inclusive path to citizenship for everyone.

End family separation and extreme detention
The atrocities happening at our southern border -- perpetrated by our own government -- are a stain on our reputation. A Steyer administration will work swiftly to stop these cruelties by ending family separation and incarceration, honor the Flores Agreement to restrict the detention of minors, stop shackling pregnant women, and ensure a fair, speedy asylum process. No one should stand to profit from incarceration, and Tom will abolish private prisons and detention centers.

Improve the visa system and protect farmworkers to spur economic growth
America has attracted talented thinkers from around the world to pursue an education, start a company, and build their dreams. Tom's administration will improve the visa system by streamlining the H-1B visa application process, increasing the number of visas available, and facilitating pathways to permanent residency so we can continue to be a leader in innovation.

In addition to bolstering our universities, research labs, and the private sector, Tom supports the Farm Workforce Modernization Act to ensure the undocumented farmworkers feeding our country are protected with a clear path to citizenship.

Legally protect climate change refugees
As the climate crisis escalates, global migration is expected to increase. Tom will help people around the world recover from disasters by providing funding, equipment, and support. This will help communities improve their disaster response procedures, alleviate critical short-term scarcities, and institute effective recoveries. Under new legal categories, those fleeing climate-related catastrophes will be able to gain legal entry to the United States.

Invest in civic engagement for a stronger democracy
Through the organizing work he did with NextGen America, Tom knows the importance of ensuring every American feels connected to our democratic process. As president, he will launch a national Office of New Americans that will work with community organizations to provide a safe platform for immigrants to share their culture, foster workforce training and fellowship opportunities, and ensure new American citizens have access to an equal vote.
