Issue Position: Disabilities

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

If we are going to make life better for all Americans, we must include the most vulnerable among us. People with disabilities and those who care for them need someone who will fight for them in the White House. As president, Tom will do just that.

Health care
Our economic prosperity depends on the health and well being of the American people. Every American deserves the right to health care, and Tom understands that different communities face different health care needs. For too long, people with disabilities have been denied a full suite of health care services.

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) are instrumental for people living with disabilities to achieve independence. Like many issues in health care, HCBS services vary wildly by state. Tom will work with state partners and advocates to ensure that the standards and funding streams are sufficient to meet the unique needs of the disabled community. Ensuring that all Americans have access to quality, affordable, and secure health care will be a top priority of a Steyer administration.

Read more about Tom's health care plan.
Tom will invest $47 billion annually in the Housing Trust Fund and Capital Magnet Fund. These funds will make grants and loans for new construction, renovations and preservation for low-income housing, including for seniors and people with disabilities.

Tom will increase protections for people with disabilities, people of color, and other protected classes by restoring and enforcing the Fair Housing Act, which the Trump Administration has gutted. He will also ensure that new technology products (like financing and placement algorithms) meet established civil rights standards.

Learn more about Tom's affordable housing plan.


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Tom will fully fund the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to ensure every child receives the education they deserve. He also supports increasing TEACH grants to fill the shortage in special education teachers, as well as increasing professional development funds for general ed teachers to receive training in working with students with disabilities.

Tom plans to offer world-class education for every child.
Criminal Justice
Tom recognizes that many of the root causes of juvenile delinquency stem from a lack of investment in our nation's youth and their communities. Tom will fight for quality education and a fair justice system for all young Americans, including those with disabilities, who represent 65--70% of kids in juvenile justice.

And our criminal justice system needs to provide specialized services for prisoners with unique needs. To address the individual needs of a diverse group of prisoners, Tom will protect the civil rights of prisoners with disabilities by ensuring that they have the accessibility technologies and services they require.

Learn more about Tom's plan to transform the Criminal Justice System.
