State of the State Preview -- Governor Kristi Noem: "South Dakota is OPEN for Business"


Date: Jan. 13, 2020
Location: Pierre, SD

On Tuesday, Governor Kristi Noem will deliver the annual State of the State Address. Among other topics, Noem will outline why South Dakota is the best state in the country to own and operate a business.

Excerpts from remarks, as prepared for delivery:

"…I grew up with a Dad who dreamed of all four of his kids being able to stay on the family ranch if they wanted to. My vision for South Dakota is the same. We must ensure that every South Dakotan can build their life here and make a good living, so they can provide for their families and maintain our traditions and way of life. This is why I am committed to four pillars of protection for South Dakotans: keeping taxes low, limiting government spending, fighting government intrusion, and keeping government open and honest.

"With a year under our belt, I'm proud to stand before you and say we accomplished a lot in 2019, and we did it all without raising taxes and without spending more than we took in.

"And to all the business prospects we've been recruiting, I'd like to make the case here and now about why you should join us in South Dakota:

Our people - their work ethic and values are second to none.
There's no corporate income tax.
There's no personal income tax.
There's no personal property tax.
The taxes that we do have to fund state government are stable and predictable.
Government in South Dakota lives within its means. We balance our budget without accounting gimmicks and tricks.
We have a AAA credit rating and our state pension plan is fully funded.
We believe in smart regulation. We roll out the red carpet, not the red tape.
Our part-time legislature is a true citizen legislature.
Our outdoor opportunities are second to none.

"I have traveled all across this country and around the world, there is no better place to operate a business and raise a family than in South Dakota.

"For employers and employees alike… South Dakota is THE PLACE to do business. Whether you've owned and operated a business for four generations, or you're looking to start or even relocate your current operation, I want my message to be crystal clear: South Dakota is OPEN for business."
