Congressman Fred Keller calls Gov. Wolf's severance tax plan irresponsible and misguided

Press Release

Date: Feb. 4, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Fred Keller (R-PA) today called Gov. Tom Wolf's plan for a natural gas severance tax irresponsible and misguided, saying the plan would stifle job creation and ongoing community investment from an industry that is already giving back to Pennsylvania.

On any given day, up to 10 percent of the entire nation's supply of natural gas is produced in Pennsylvania's 12th Congressional District. Congressman Keller has extensively toured natural gas operations in Pennsylvania's 12th Congressional District and has seen first-hand the community investment and long-term partnership from the natural gas industry.

Just last week, Congressman Keller toured the Susquehanna County Career and Technical Center which has seen significant investment for its CDL program from Cabot Oil and Gas.

On the plan for a severance tax, Congressman Fred Keller (R-PA) made the following statement:

"During my time as a member of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, I repeatedly stood up to Gov. Tom Wolf's budget proposals that would tax and spend Pennsylvania out of the prosperity it is seeing today. As such, it is disappointing to see Gov. Wolf introduce another severance tax in this year's budget plan.

"Gov. Tom Wolf's plan for a natural gas severance tax is both irresponsible and misguided. The natural gas industry in Pennsylvania's 12th Congressional District is playing by the rules, significantly investing in the communities in which they operate, helping provide affordable education, and boosting the economy in rural Pennsylvania.

"Now is not the time to take money out of the communities seeing significant investment from the natural gas industry. At a time when wages are rising and opportunities are increasing for record numbers of Americans, we should be looking for ways to help the natural gas industry flourish and not stifle its growth or potential."
