Stefanik, Schumer, Brindisi, Gillibrand Call on Administration to Accept Appeal for Disaster Declaration Relief

Press Release

Date: Jan. 17, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

Following the devastating Halloween storm in Upstate New York, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik worked with federal, state, and local officials to initiate a FEMA Joint Preliminary Damage Assessment in order to secure funding to rebuild our communities. She also sent a letter to President Trump urging him to give New York State a major disaster declaration. Following that, New York received the major disaster declaration and approval for public assistance, however, the request for individual assistance for Essex, Hamilton, Herkimer, and Oneida Counties was denied.

Today, Representatives Stefanik and Brindisi, along with Senators Schumer and Gillibrand, sent a letter to President Trump urging him to accept the state's request for individual assistance.

"We write in strong support of the State of New York's appeal of the denial of Individual Assistance to Essex, Hamilton, Herkimer and Oneida counties," wrote the Members. "We are grateful for the federal support afforded in the wake of this disaster to New York thus far, which will assist greatly with the cleanup and remediation of the area. However, we urge the Administration to expeditiously approve New York's request for Individual Assistance programs within the four aforementioned counties. Federal support is necessary to protect public health and safety and provide relief, like housing assistance, disaster unemployment assistance and crisis counseling, to individuals whose homes were destroyed in this disaster."
