Yoho Statement on the State of the Union


By: Ted Yoho
By: Ted Yoho
Date: Feb. 4, 2020
Location: Washington, DC

Ted S. Yoho (R-FL) released the following statement on President Trump's State of the Union:

"President Trump's State of the Union speech laid out clearly why America is prospering. In just three years, the administration has removed burdensome regulations that stand in the way of economic growth, renegotiated bad trade deals, invested in our military, stood up to China, and delivered a tax cut that has unlocked the economic engines of America.

"The speech was also right in line with the core foundation of America; God, Country, Family. This may seem cliché to elites or inside the beltway, but across our great country these three pillars stand firm. They are the source of our strength and when coupled with the freedoms and liberties laid out in our Constitution, make America unstoppable.

"It is a shame Speaker Pelosi was so angry she felt the need to rip up the president's uplifting address to the nation. That action, done deliberately for all to see, was classless and beneath the office of Speaker of the House. The American people deserve better.

"President Trump is keeping the promises he made, and America is better for it. In his closing, he said, "America is the place where anything can happen! America is the place where anyone can rise. And here, on this land, on this soil, on this continent, the most incredible dreams come true!"

"I could not agree more with this quote. I am a product of the American dream that with hard work, opportunity, and faith, you can accomplish anything. It is imperative that we as a nation protect this framework that provides opportunity to all and allows individuals to rise as high as their God given talents will take them."
