Senator Coons challenges Trump to help Iranians by lifting Muslim ban


Date: Jan. 13, 2020
Location: Wilmington, DE

Over the weekend, President Trump tweeted his support for the Iranian people, saying his administration "will continue to stand with" those protesting the Iranian regime. Today, Senator Coons challenged President Trump to demonstrate his support by lifting his administration's Muslim ban, which currently blocks Iranians from coming to the United States.

"President Trump said he stands with the Iranian people. As a first step to demonstrating his support of average Iranians, I encourage @realDonaldTrump to immediately lift the unconstitutional #MuslimBan, which imposes a blanket ban on Iranians entering the U.S. #NoBanAct," Senator Coons tweeted.

Senator Coons is the author of the NO BAN Act, legislation that would end the President's Muslim ban and prevent another baseless, discriminatory ban from happening again. The NO BAN Act is led in the House by Congresswoman Judy Chu (D-Calif.) and supported by nearly 250 members of Congress; 400 civil rights, faith, national security and community organizations; 50 immigration law professors; and several private companies.
