Protecting the Right to Organize Act of 2019

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 6, 2020
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Chairman, I thank the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. Scott) for yielding me this time.

Mr. Chairman, I rise in strong support of H.R. 2474, the Protecting the Right to Organize Act. As a former--well, I am still an ironworker. I still pay my dues every single month.

I strapped on a pair of work boots for about 20 years as an ironworker and eventually worked my way up to become president of Ironworkers Local 7 in Boston. So I guess that makes me a union boss, as I have been referred to previously. I am organized labor, I guess.

I have seen firsthand how employers have used intimidation and threats to punish and deter workers from the right to join a union, to seek safe conditions at work and fair wages, and to have a voice in the workplace.

This bill before us takes direct aim at the abusive employer practices by closing loopholes in existing law, establishing civil penalties for retaliation, and ensuring new unions get their first contract.

Mr. Chairman, I urge all Members to vote in favor of this act.

Ms. FOXX of North Carolina. Mr. Chair, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr. Grothman).

