Defend American Healthcare System

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 5, 2020
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. O'HALLERAN. Madam Speaker, I rise today in defense of the American healthcare system.

Last week, the administration proposed a new demonstration program that would allow States to apply for block grants. These would permit States to slash funding for their Medicaid programs, reduce protections for beneficiaries, and restrict eligibility standards. A recent study by George Washington University found that these changes would also result in community health centers treating 5 million fewer patients over the next 4 years.

This is unacceptable. Federal law already gives Medicaid flexibility to change from State to State. These proposed block grants are nothing more than cuts to funding for the program.

Today, I urge my colleagues to join me in voting for a resolution condemning these proposed changes as what they are: attacks on our healthcare system and those with preexisting conditions.

