Statement on Transmitting Articles of Impeachment to the Senate


Date: Jan. 15, 2020
Location: Washington D.C.

"Today, I joined my colleagues in the House of Representatives in voting to send articles of impeachment to the Senate that will hold President Donald Trump accountable for his ongoing abuse of power, endangering our national security interests, and the undermining the integrity of our electoral process.

"Senator McConnell's insistence that he and his colleagues would, "work in total coordination with the White House's counsel's office [and] take their cues from the president's lawyers,' is unacceptable and runs counter to the will of the people. 71 percent of Americans agree that President Trump should allow his top aides to testify in the forthcoming Senate trial. The American people want and deserve the whole truth, not Trump and McConnell's truncated and obscured version of events. Only those afraid of the truth coming to light feel the need to rig a trial in private before it happens.

"With today's actions, every Senator now faces a choice between blind loyalty to this president and upholding their oath to protect and defend the Constitution by holding the impartial trial it demands."
