Rep. Sánchez Statement on the USMCA Trade Agreement


Date: Dec. 17, 2019
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Trade

U.S. Rep. Linda T. Sánchez (CA-38), a member of the House Ways & Means Committee, released the following statement in support of the negotiated United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

"I have long been a critic of the existing North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and approached renegotiation with cautious optimism. My support for any trade agreement hinges on whether or not it benefits working families in my district and across the country. While not perfect, the newly negotiated USMCA contains enough significant improvement to gain my support.

"The Trump Administration's initial agreement fell short, but House Democrats fought hard for greater accountability in the final draft. We demanded an enforceable agreement to strengthen protections for our workers and the environment. This new version will do just that, ensuring that our neighbors to the north and south live up to their commitments as trading partners. It will not only establish fairer trade rules that benefit American workers and the U.S. economy but also serves as a new standard for future trade negotiations--one where working families have a seat at the negotiating table.

"We still have work ahead. I vow to remain vigilant on labor enforcement implementation. I will also continue to fight for the removal of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act in future trade agreements. As I stated during committee consideration earlier this year, this provision does not belong in our trade deals."
