House comes to an agreement on USMCA


Date: Dec. 10, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

After more than a year of inaction, the House of Representatives announced an agreement on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) to be voted on in the House. This deal will replace NAFTA as the document governing trade between our North American neighbors.

This morning, Rep. Hern joined fellow members of the USMCA Whip Team on a call with Ambassador Robert Lighthizer, the United States Trade Representative, to discuss the agreements made between USTR and Speaker Pelosi before the vote was announced.

"It's been a long time coming, but I am glad to finally announce that we are moving forward with the USMCA," said Rep. Hern. "This is a tremendous step in our relationship with our North American neighbors. The world has changed so much since the creation of NAFTA -- e-commerce wasn't even mentioned! A modern world demands modern updates. It's a year later than we'd hoped, but I am proud of the work we've done to find consensus on the USMCA and bring it to the floor for a vote."

Background Information:

Last week, the entire Oklahoma delegation released a joint statement in support of the USMCA.

On the one-year anniversary of Trump's announcement of the deal, members of the Oklahoma delegation released statements urging Congressional action on the USMCA.
