Blackburn Statement on the Senate Impeachment Organizing Resolution


"First, the Democratic House impeachment managers told us the evidence against President Trump was "overwhelming.' Right after, we heard there wasn't enough evidence, and we would need to allow additional testimony in order to get it.

"House Democrats had ample opportunity to seek testimony from the witnesses they are now requesting, but they decided instead to rush through their unsubstantiated articles of impeachment. The Democrats are entangled in an intellectually dishonest effort to force a constitutional challenge against executive privilege in the name of taking down President Trump at all costs. We don't need more testimony -- we need less abuse of the Constitution, less mania and zero impeachment do overs. President Trump, like any American, has the right to seek relief in the courts, and if Democrats will punish him for this right, they will do it to anyone. Enough is enough.

"Majority Leader McConnell pledged that the trial in his chamber would employ fair process. And today, the Senate set fair rules to review the House's work. We will continue to run a thorough, constitutional process so we can all get back to improving the lives of the American people." -- Senator Marsha Blackburn
