Congresswoman Torres Votes to Impeach President Trump


Date: Dec. 18, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (CA-35) today voted to impeach President Donald J. Trump on both articles of impeachment against him -- abuse of power, and obstruction of Congress.

Before the vote, Rep. Torres took to the House floor to make the case for impeachment.

Rep. Torres on the House floor:

"American values and our Constitution are worth fighting for."

Congresswoman Torres released the following statement:

"I voted for impeachment today because President Trump's actions left me no choice," Rep. Torres said. "He didn't just ask Ukraine for a favor -- he threatened our national security and undermined our elections. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to this corruption because if left alone, it will only spread.

Both articles of impeachment passed in the House, and the process now moves to the U.S. Senate for a formal impeachment trial.

"The rule of law is what makes this country great, and today, the House of Representatives held President Trump accountable for breaking the law," Rep. Torres continued. "The only question now, is will the Senate follow suit, or let him get away with it?"

The House vote today came after Rep. Torres participated in a marathon 10-hour debate on impeachment in the House Rules Committee the day before.

Rep. Torres joined MSNBC Tuesday morning to preview the hearing:

Key quote reacting to Senate GOP Coordination with the White House:

"It is unconscionable that they would delegate their duties as U.S. Senators to the Office of the President."

Video of Rep. Torres' full statement to the House Rules Committee is available here:

Key Rules Committee quote:

"For all the claims that President Trump was withholding military aid over corruption in Ukraine, he never once utters the word corruption. But he does ask for a favor though. A favor that has nothing to do with U.S. national interests, and everything to do with his own political interests."

Congresswoman Norma Torres sits on the House Appropriations Committee and the House Rules Committee.
