Goodlatte Resolution to Protect the Internet from United Nations Control Passes House

Date: Nov. 16, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

November 16, 2005

Washington, DC: The House of Representatives today passed a resolution, introduced by Congressman Bob Goodlatte, Co-Chairman of the Congressional Internet Caucus, regarding the administration of the Internet. The bipartisan resolution passed the House by a unanimous vote of 423-0.

Currently, much of the Internet's administration is run by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a private organization based in the United States that works closely with the U.S. Department of Commerce. ICANN's board of directors is comprised of many international members.

The U.N., led by countries such as China, Iran and Cuba, released a report earlier this year which included proposals to take control over the administration of the Internet from the U.S.-based ICANN and give it to a bureaucratic U.N. body.

"The U.S. is uniquely positioned in the world to protect the fundamental principles of free press and free speech, upon which the Internet has thrived," said Goodlatte. "The U.S. Constitution guarantees these basic rights and to turn more control of the Internet over to countries that have questionable records at best regarding these rights would not ensure the Internet's continued success."

"The more governments that become involved in this process, the more red tape and overly burdensome regulations that huge bureaucratic agencies bring will increase. By keeping the private sector and market principles involved in the administration of the Internet, we can help ensure that the Internet continues to thrive," Goodlatte continued.

Last night at the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis, the United States struck a deal with the international community which ensures that for now the administration of the Internet's core technical functions remains within the private hands of ICANN with continued oversight by the U.S. Department of Commerce.

"This appears to be a big victory for the Internet, for free market principles and for the free flow of information," continued Goodlatte.
