Democratic Women's Caucus Leadership Celebrates Virginia's Historic Equal Rights Amendment Ratification Vote


Today, Chairs of the Democratic Women's Caucus (DWC) Representatives Jackie Speier (CA-14), Lois Frankel (FL-21), Brenda L. Lawrence, and Vice Chairs Representatives Veronica Escobar (TX-16) and Deb Haaland (NM-01) released the following statement after the Virginia House of Delegates and Senate voted to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) on January 15th.

"Virginia's vote to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment was a historic and monumental win for women's rights and for America as it continues to strive for true equality. For too long, women have been treated as second-class citizens in what is considered the world's greatest democracy. It began with the founding of our country, when women were not granted the right to vote or own property and treated as chattel. It continues today with the gender wage gap, pregnancy discrimination, and consistent violations of the rights of sexual violence and domestic violence survivors," DWC Leadership said. "Women across this country, and the pink wave of women elected and that have indelibly impacted the landscape of Virginia's politics, have had enough. The DWC Leadership urges the Archivist to act swiftly to certify the ERA and for Congress to pass H.J.Res.79 to eliminate any legal ambiguities by striking the deadline for ratification. It is long past time for the Constitution to guarantee a woman's right to equal justice under law."
