Stabenow: Rosa Parks Deserves to Be Honored with a Statue in the U.S. Capitol

Date: Nov. 17, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

Stabenow: Rosa Parks Deserves to Be Honored with a Statue in the U.S. Capitol

U.S. Senate OKs statue; House will take up proposal

Three weeks ago, the late civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks lay in honor in the U.S. Capitol - the first woman to be so honored. Now the U.S. Senate has agreed unanimously that she deserves a permanent tribute in the Capitol.

"Statues of American social and political leaders from every stage of our growth as a nation are on display in the Capitol, and Rosa Parks - honored and remembered as the ‘Mother of the Civil Rights Movement' - deserves a place with these great leaders," U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) said today. "I led the effort to have a building named for Rosa Parks in Detroit, and I am proud to support this effort to honor her in the Capitol."

The legislation approved by the Senate does not specify where the statue will be placed, although it directs that all locations should be considered, including Statuary Hall, the Rotunda and the new Capitol Visitor Center, which is scheduled to be completed in the fall of 2007.

The proposal has been referred to the U.S. House for action.
