Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act

Floor Speech

Date: Jan. 15, 2020
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. PINGREE. Mr. Chairman, I thank Mr. Scott for yielding and also his leadership on the bill we are considering this afternoon, the Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act.

Maine is the oldest State in the union by median age, and older Mainers are an important part of our workforce. As we experience a tight labor market with low unemployment, it is natural to think that this workforce would have more opportunities available to them, and yet we often hear about constituents who struggle to find and keep work that supports themselves and their families.

When age discrimination is a factor, these workers deserve fair treatment under the law. I am proud to be a cosponsor of the underlying bill and urge my colleagues to vote ``yes.''

I am also proud to offer this important amendment with my colleague, Congressman Davis, that addresses the connection between age and gender discrimination. Countless studies have shown that women are hired less and paid less in many fields. Compounded by the real effects of age discrimination, that means older women are disproportionately impacted by bias in the workplace.

The National Bureau of Economic Research backs this up. In a 2015 field experiment, resumes from older women got substantially fewer call backs from employers than those from older men, younger men, and younger women. Our amendment would direct the Department of Labor and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to collect data on the disproportionate impact of age discrimination on older women and make recommendations for how to address that impact.

Women are deeply, materially harmed by inequities in our economy. On average, they take home lower salaries, are able to save less for retirement, and receive less in Social Security benefits.

In tandem with age discrimination, all this means that we are leaving older women vulnerable. Addressing this intersection is about economic security, making sure that older women have the chance to work in fair environments for equitable pay.

I ask my colleagues to support this amendment.

Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Chairman, may I inquire how much time I have remaining.

