Inhofe Praises Senate Confirmation of Skipwith as FWS Secretary


U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), senior member of the Environmental and Public Works (EPW) Committee, today praised the Senate confirmation of Aurelia Skipwith to serve as Director of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service:

"I am pleased to see Ms. Aurelia Skipwith confirmed today as Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service," Inhofe said. "When I met with her in July, I stressed the importance of ensuring the FWS completes the downlisting of the American Burying Beetle and prevents the unnecessary listing of the Lesser Prairie Chicken under the Endangered Species Act, as population surveys of both species have seen sizable growth. It is very clear Ms. Skipwith is a bright, experienced candidate who understands the importance of public-private partnerships in conservation, and I am certain she will build on the Trump Administration's successful conservation efforts."
