Congressman Mo Brooks Praises Trump Administration Rule Requiring Able-bodied Adults Work Before Getting Food Stamps


Date: Dec. 4, 2019
Location: Washington D.C.

Wednesday, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) praised the Trump Administration for today announcing a final rule that bars able-bodied adults from receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits (commonly known as food stamps).

Congressman Brooks said, "America suffered a $984 billion deficit in FY 2019. America's accumulated debt has blown through the $23 trillion mark. Every financial guru Congress employs warns that our current financial path is unsustainable and that, as a result, America increasingly risks a debilitating national insolvency and bankruptcy."

Brooks concluded, "It is wrong to let slackers take roughly $70 billion per year from hard working taxpayers who need that money for their own needs. With unemployment at record lows, with 7 million available job openings, work opportunities are abundant. Able-bodied adults should never be allowed to vote for a living rather than work for one. As such, I fully support the Trump Administration's efforts to bar able-bodied, working age Americans from receiving food stamps, SNAP, or any other food benefits they can and should be paying for with money they earn themselves."
