United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act

Floor Speech

Date: Dec. 19, 2019
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Trade


Mr. MEEKS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of the US-Mexico- Canada Agreement Implementing Act. Updating NAFTA is crucial to America's workforce and our economy. Our vote today is not just about a trade bill. For our nation, trade has never been singularly about the exchange of goods and services across borders. This bill is about making monumental progress in the fundamental framework of trade negotiations. It is about America's competitive edge, the rights of our workers, the stewardship of our environment, and so much more.

Millions of American jobs depend on trade with Canada and Mexico. NAFTA is a 25-year-old agreement that has long needed an upgrade to meet the demands of our times. American workers and American businesses deserve the best possible update that we can negotiate, I believe that is precisely what we have here.

As a member of the New Democrat Coalition, and a strong supporter of international trade, I have for years fought for the advancement of key New Dem priorities to be included in trade bills. With USMCA I am pleased that under Speaker Pelosi's leadership Democrats negotiated for many of these priorities and they are in this agreement.

I am proud that we fought for and secured stronger labor and environmental provisions and the elimination of language in the implementing bill that would have allowed the administration to unilaterally lower the U.S. de minimis threshold.

The great state of New York shares a border with Canada. New York's connection with its top trading partner, Canada, is strengthened in this agreement. With USMCA, New York's sixteen billion dollars in exports to Canada can increase, jobs are secured, and we lay the groundwork for deeper economic ties while making progress in the best interest of citizens throughout North America.

America's strength has always been undergirded by our prowess in trade. New York has a special place in American history in that regard. With USMCA we safeguard our nation's ability to compete, while being caretakers of our environment and upholding the rights of our workers. After 14 months of negotiations, I am proud to support this bipartisan agreement, and push forward the framework for trade agreements in the years to come. I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting H.R. 5430--The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act.

