United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act

Floor Speech

Date: Dec. 19, 2019
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Trade


Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Madam Speaker, I thank the chairman for yielding, and I want to commend Ranking Member Brady and our colleagues on the other side as well. It is always a pleasure to know what this body can do when we work together.

I also want to associate myself with the remarks of the chairman for his incredible leadership. In his opening remarks, he underscored the key word that is central to this agreement that is far different from the previous NAFTA agreement. It is ``enforcement.'' It was his tenacity and the tenacity of the working group and the subcommittee that made this happen.

I commend Speaker Pelosi for her work and, clearly, for all the working members of the task force for the effort they put forward. Mike Thompson has already credited the staff for their outstanding work, and I specifically want to thank Rosa DeLauro, who also was there for the first NAFTA vote as well and is a strong and a tenacious defender of labor.

The work of Rosa DeLauro, the work of President Trumka, the work of Ambassador Lighthizer, these were salient reasons that underscored Mr. Neal's premise that enforcement at all levels, but specifically as it related to labor and environment, needed to be put in place.

