Hearing of the Health Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee - Opening Statement of Rep. Engel, Hearing on Reforming FDA Oversight of Cosmetics and Personal Care Products


On December 4, 2019 the Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee held a hearing on modernizing federal oversight of cosmetics and personal care products. Congressman Engel, a top Member of the committee, submitted a statement for the record underscoring the public health need for updated regulations:

"Chairman Pallone and Chairwoman Eshoo thank you for holding today's hearing on modernizing FDA regulations for cosmetics and personal care products.

"Every day, millions of Americans use these products. According to the Environmental Working Group, women on a daily basis use 12 products containing 168 unique ingredients while men use six products with 85 different ingredients. Even with the widespread use of these products, FDA has been given limited tools and resources to oversee this nearly $80 billion industry.

"The absence of FDA regulation has led to egregious cases of consumer harm. In June of this year, a retailer specializing in cosmetics and personal care products for young women recalled three makeup products because they contained asbestos fibers. Similarly, a large manufacturer recently recalled its baby powder after the FDA found asbestos in it. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, asbestos exposure can lead to lung diseases and pulmonary cancers.

"It is unacceptable that our nation's children are exposed to chemicals that have a well-documented history of causing adverse health events. Furthermore, these cases underscore the dire need for modernizing federal oversight of cosmetic and personal care products.

"I commend Chairman Pallone and Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky for their work on legislation to reform our nation's broken regulatory system."
