Letter to the Hon. Megan Brennan, Postmaster General and CEO of the United States Postal Service - McSally, O'Halleran, Gosar Support USPS Study for New Prescott Post Office


Dear Postmaster General Brennan,

We write to you today in support of a U.S. Postal Service (USPS) analysis for a new post office in Prescott Valley, Arizona.

As you may know, the Town of Prescott Valley's population has grown significantly from 6,000 in 1985 to almost 50,000 today. Since that time, the town has petitioned USPS to address issues associated with the local post office's current operations. With further population growth expected in the future, the town is worried additional traffic and business will overwhelm the current capacity.

Multiple concerns have been raised by Prescott Valley Mayor Kell Palguta, including the inability for residents to pick up and drop off packages in a single stop, increasingly long wait times, lack of adequate parking and the inconvenient locations of these buildings. Additionally, it is our understanding that USPS currently leases these locations and does not own any of the buildings in the Town, which may provide additional flexibility in finding a more suitable location.

With this in mind, we request that USPS move forward with an analysis to ascertain the need for a new post office location. In this analysis, we would ask that you consider the Town's population increase, the facility needs to meet the volume, as well as the location of these operations. Given that there are currently two locations under lease by USPS in Prescott Valley, we would also ask that you consider the most efficient use of space and location in your analysis.

Lastly, we would ask that USPS consult with the local civic and business leaders as you move forward with this analysis and any findings. In October the Prescott Valley Town Council approved a resolution calling on USPS to seek out a new post office suitable to the needs of the residents, which we have enclosed.

Thank you and we look forward to your response.
