United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act

Floor Speech

Date: Dec. 23, 2019
Location: Washington, DC


Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I rise to discuss the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement also known as USMCA or NAFTA 2.0.

Due to Speaker Pelosi and the negotiators' tireless work, this USMCA is better than the current NAFTA and what the Trump Administration presented in the original agreement. USMCA will establish labor specific enforcement measures and an independent review body to ensure that Mexico is complying with labor obligations.

However, after careful consideration, I will vote NO on the passage of USMCA.

I am disappointed by the lack of strong environmental protections. Our planet is feeling the effects of climate change every day, and the lack of strong environmental protections is something I cannot abide.

What's more, USMCA does not contain any binding climate standards. In fact, the deal barely mentions climate change at all.

Finally, USMCA supports dirty fossil fuels, allows oil and gas corporations to run rampant, and fails to address toxic pollution.

This is a shame in a time when our planet--and our trade deals-- deserve better.

Without stronger protections, this trade deal will have catastrophic consequences to the environment for many decades to come.

In order to meaningfully act upon our changing climate, to address our warming planet before it is too late, and to save future generations from a climate emergency.

I know that this bill will pass, so I pledge to continue work to address climate issues relating to globalization and trade policy.

