Dingell to Vote Against NDAA


Date: Dec. 11, 2019
Location: Washington D.C.
Issues: Defense

Today, Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (D-MI) issued the following statement on why she will vote against the FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) because among other issues it fails to include House-passed amendments by Dingell to address PFAS contamination:

"PFAS is a clear and present threat to Michigan and clean water. I worked very hard to build consensus around my provisions in the House-passed NDAA to cleanup PFAS and safeguard the public from further contamination. This fall, dozens of members made clear they could not support any final defense authorization that does not include PFAS cleanup provisions under the Superfund program and the Clean Water Act. I was serious this fall and again today, when I say I will not support any final defense authorization that does not include a comprehensive set of PFAS provisions including mine requiring EPA to declare it as the hazardous substance we know it to be.

"Members of the military and their families are being poisoned at military installations and bases that we know have been contaminated with PFAS. Protecting men, women, and families of our armed services is deeply important and we cannot leave them behind.

"NDAA presented the opportunity to take serious action and accelerate the cleanup process where PFAS contamination exists. Because Republicans blocked my provisions, the House has no choice but to take up the Dingell PFAS Action Act and bipartisan legislation passed by the Energy and Commerce Committee in November. Getting something done on PFAS is our only option.

"Further, the NDAA Conference Report fails to take meaningful steps to end the War in Yemen. Congress never authorized our military's participation, in what continues to threaten 24 million Yemenis facing death, starvation and disease. Yemen remains on the brink of famine and is the site of what the U.N. deems the world's worst humanitarian crisis. In Michigan, we hear regularly from those with family who face disease, starvation, and violence from this conflict. The U.S. involvement must come to an end and Congress should have used this National Defense Authorization Act to stop our endless wars."

"I always support our nation's military and the men and women who serve. It's for them that I feel passionately and why NDAA in its current form has not earned my vote."
