Rep. Zeldin Welcomes Long-Overdue Bipartisan Deal on USMCA


Date: Dec. 10, 2019
Location: Washington D.C.
Issues: Trade

Today, Congressman Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1) issued the following statement on Speaker Nancy Pelosi's announcement on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA):

"In 2018 alone, the State of New York exported $20.3 billion to Canada and Mexico, including top exports such as metal products, machinery, computer and electronic products, and more. The rebalancing and modernization of trade between these vital trading partners will mean freer markets, fairer trade and robust economic growth in New York and across the country. In fact, it's estimated that the ratification of USMCA would mean 176,000 new US jobs and $68 billion in new US economic growth, better leveling the playing field and delivering a huge win for the American worker."

Congressman Zeldin also posted the following tweet here:

"Huge win for President Trump getting USMCA over the finish line, but most importantly, it's a huge win for the American worker with all of the new US jobs that will be created, the US GDP that will increase, and the new US investment that will be coming in. Great news!"
