Senator Hassan Statement on Bipartisan Vote to Give Troops Pay Raise, Protect Transportation Funding


Date: Nov. 21, 2019
Location: Washington D.C.

Today on a bipartisan basis, the U.S. Senate passed a funding bill to keep the government's doors open. The bill included a 3.1 percent pay raise for U.S. service members and a bipartisan proposal that Senator Hassan cosponsored to protect $7.6 billion in highway funding, including $37.8 million for New Hampshire's roads and bridges.

"I am glad that my colleagues on both sides of the aisle came together to pass a funding bill to keep the government open, give troops a pay raise, and ensure that critical projects to repair New Hampshire's roads and bridges can continue," said Senator Hassan. "However, it is irresponsible to fund the government with one continuing resolution after another. While today's vote is an important step forward, I continue to strongly advocate for House and Senate leadership to come together on a long-term funding bill so that Granite State families and communities can thrive."
