Kustoff bill to kill robocalls passes House


Date: Dec. 4, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman David Kustoff (TN-08), announced the passage of the TRACED Act. After working with colleagues in both the House and Senate, the two chambers produced compromise legislation to prevent the harassing robocall scams most Americans receive. The final version includes the original text of H.R. 2015 -- The TRACED Act that was introduced by Rep. Kustoff earlier this year. The bicameral bill adds in a clarification that new technology cost won't be passed on to consumers, and it creates a safe harbor for companies that inadvertently block calls.

"Robocalls are attacking the daily lives of all Americans, leaving everyone with a cellphone vulnerable to fraud. That is why since I got to Congress, I have been fighting to stop these harassing robocalls. I am proud to have been a part of this important bill's passage, and I look forward to President Trump quickly signing this bill into law," said Rep. Kustoff.

Rep. Kustoff spoke on U.S. House floor in support of the TRACED Act.
