Tweet - "This morning, Speaker Pelosi delivered a speech to advance her rushed & partisan impeachment process. Not one word on the outstanding legislation the American people actually need. Nothing on the USMCA, or the NDAA, or funding for our armed forces."

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"This morning, Speaker Pelosi delivered a speech to advance her rushed & partisan impeachment process. Not one word on the outstanding legislation the American people actually need. Nothing on the USMCA, or the NDAA, or funding for our armed forces."

"Only in Washington D.C. does anybody think it's okay for our armed forces to go unfunded and a major trade deal to go unpassed because Democrats are too busy inviting law professors to criticize President Trump on television."

"The Kentuckians I represent cannot believe our commanders are being denied certainty, our men & women in uniform are being denied stable funding, & 176K new American jobs are being held up because Democrats see more political advantage in obstruction than in doing their jobs."

