Stefanik Joins Colleagues to File Amicus Brief in Second Amendment Case with NY SAFE Act Implications


Date: Oct. 29, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik joined more than 90 of her colleagues, led by Congressman Doug Collins (R-GA-9), to submit an amicus brief requesting the Supreme Court grant certiorari in Worman v. Healey. The petitioners in the case argue that the Massachusetts ban on the sale of certain firearms violates the Second Amendment. Submitting this brief is a step toward the Supreme Court hearing the case and also shining a light on the unconstitutionality of the New York SAFE Act. If the Supreme Court decides to overturn the lower court ruling on Worman v. Healey, this will provide the precedent to challenge the New York SAFE Act in the Supreme Court.

"I proudly joined my colleagues in submitting this amicus brief to ensure the Constitutional right for law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms is protected," said Congresswoman Stefanik. "Lower courts should not be setting new precedent in Second Amendment cases, but rather should follow the already established Supreme Court precedent of Heller vs DC. Just like the firearm and magazine bans contained in the New York SAFE Act, Worman v. Healey demonstrates a clear-cut example of Americans' constitutional liberties being infringed upon, and I am hopeful the Supreme Court will hear this case and respect the Second Amendment. This is critical in my job to uphold my oath to protect the Constitution."

"On behalf of tens of thousands of law-abiding gun owners across New York, we want to thank Congresswoman Elise Stefanik for her tireless leadership to protect our Second Amendment," said Tom King, Executive Director of the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association. "If the Supreme Court decides in our favor in Worman v. Healey, we will be one step closer to successfully challenging the unconstitutional New York SAFE Act in the Supreme Court."

To read the full amicus brief, click here.
