Fox News "Hannity" - Transcript: Interview with Rep. Devin Nunes



HANNITY: Rush Limbaugh has a bold likely correct prediction about how this impeachment hearing week will go. Take a look.

RUSH LIMBAUGH, THE RUSH LIMBAUGH SHOW: Oh, and the impeachment hearings this week will have some analysis, commentary about that. I really think that the model for what's going to happen this week is the Kavanaugh hearings. It was a never-ending parade for about a week and a half as every person they brought forth to try to destroy Kavanaugh failed, there was another one waiting in the wings. And I will guarantee you that it is the same strategory they are going to employ here this week getting started with public impeachment hearings.

HANNITY: Here with reactions, Ranking Member of the House Intel Committee, Congressman Devin Nunes and the author of "Witch Hunt" and Fox News Legal Analyst Gregg Jarrett. We already know that the process is flawed because at the end of the day, Congressman is it true or not true that Adam Schiff was compromised in this case. He gets denied the witnesses you call. He gets to make the final decision on everything, doesn't he? So there really are no rights for the Ranking Members or the President and his attorneys?

REP. DEVIN NUNES, R-CALIF.: As you know, nobody likes to disagree with Rush Limbaugh but I think in this case, Rush Limbaugh only has it about half right. At least during the Kavanaugh hearings, the Republicans had the ability to bring up people who were supporting Kavanaugh. We don't even have that.

So Adam Schiff and his team, whoever, met with there with a whistleblower, we have had no access to the whistleblower. Number two, we want to know what was the DNC's involvement and the Clinton Campaign's involvement in Ukraine and why did the Ukrainians interfere in our election?

We also have out there the situation with Hunter Biden, how did he get 80,000 something dollars a month? These are just questions that we deserve to have the answer to before any of these circuses is set to begin on Wednesday. We should have those answers.

HANNITY: Now you have a list of people, including Adam Schiff, the whistleblower, Nelly Orr, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, will any of your witnesses be allowed to testify?

NUNES: As of right now, we have none of our witnesses. Look, we even put on Ambassador Volker. This guy was the Democrat's first witness came in, it didn't go very well for them, you've all seen the transcripts he came involuntarily, the transcript out, why on earth would Volker not be there? He was the Special Envoy to Ukraine.

We are having the top people at the State Department who handled Ukraine and now the Acting Ambassador that is coming in on Wednesday, why would you not have Volker on the same panel? Why would you not give the Republicans a witness? As of right now we have no witnesses and we have no knowledge of the foundation of this case and of these accusations.

HANNITY: Fundamentally, like everything else, you outlined this in both of your books, Gregg Jarrett. Everything boomerangs back. The only Russian interference we know of was the dossier. It's a little ironic. Now Ukraine election interference, I thought that would matter, that's the Democrats and the only quid pro quo was Hunter Biden you get the billion if you fire the guy investigating my son, you don't get the billion otherwise.

GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: If this were an equitable process, both sides would be able to call their own witnesses but Adam Schiff won't allow it. He can only and will only allow witnesses that he likes. It reminds me of the old Henry Ford "Any customer can have a car painted any color as long as it's black".

Look at the first two witnesses that will be called on Wednesday, Bill Taylor and George Kent. They admit they have no direct knowledge of a quid pro quo and instead they heard it from a guy who heard it from a guy who heard it from an original guy and in both cases, it is diplomat, Gordon Sondland. Sondland admits he has no direct knowledge of a quid pro quo and instead he testified he presumed it so this is opinion built on hearsay constructed on speculation and conjecture.

HANNITY: The Senate, Congressman Nunes, they would have the ability to call all of these witnesses. Lindsey Graham said this is dead on arrival without the whistleblower and he wants Hunter Biden to testify. Tell us what the Senate can do and what would you recommend they do?

NUNES: Let's see how this goes this week. My guess is it's going to be a complete circus we are not going to get any of our witnesses the mainstream media is going to say how damaging it is to the President. That is just going to be the storyline but the fact of the matter is, if you actually read these transcripts and Gregg Jarrett was just going through them.

Byron York has a piece out tonight talking about Vindman their star witness. These transcripts, as we were saying when the Democrats were slowly leaking these out to the friends of the media, that's what we've been doing for the last six weeks, but now that the transcripts are out, they are devastating to the Democrats so let's see where it goes but at the end of the day, the Senate should be calling all of these people in as soon as possible.

HANNITY: OK. I hope the Senate is listening. They have got to do their job now. All right, just when you thought San Francisco couldn't get crazier, they now elect a prosecutor who apparently doesn't want to jail anybody and was raised by Bill Ayers and Bernadine Doran, you just can't make this out. Trace Gallagher has this crazy report next.

