Our Republic is Under Threat

Floor Speech

Date: Oct. 16, 2019
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. KING of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege and an honor to be recognized to address you here on the floor of the House of Representatives. I come here to the floor to address the circumstances that are historic in the way they are shaking the very foundation of this Republic.

Our Constitution is under threat, and our Republic is under threat. There are secret meetings taking place down in the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the most confidential place in this place, but they are talking about finding a way to impeach the President of the United States.

They don't have a charge yet. They are still looking for one. We went through 2 years of the Mueller investigations, and now we are grinding through this under the guidance of Adam Schiff, who has a resolution here that has been presented to this floor to censure him for the misinformation that came out clearly in front of all the public.

They are cherry-picking quotes from the people who are testifying. They refused to allow us, just an hour ago, to go in and even read the Volker transcript. They are allowing no exculpatory evidence that is coming in that might defend our President. There is no representation for the President. They have turned this committee into a partisan committee.

Mr. Speaker, I will submit that it is going to be awfully hard for this select committee to ever function again if it is going to be a partisan, secret committee attempting to overturn the election of the President of the United States.

