Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Act of 2019

Floor Speech

Date: Nov. 13, 2019
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. BALDERSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise to speak in support of a bill I cosponsored, H.R. 3537, the Veteran Entrepreneurship Training Act.

This bill would authorize the Boots to Business Program, which helps our Nation's veterans who are transitioning back into the workforce launch and grow their small businesses.

Our Nation just celebrated Veterans Day, and while it is a wonderful way for us to show our appreciation for those who have served the United States honorably, it is also important we honor those veterans year-round.

We must never forget our highest commitment, which is to support our servicemembers, veterans, and their families.

The Boots to Business Program is one such way we can do that for our veterans, by providing them with the tools and resources they need to be successful entrepreneurs in our modern world.

The Boots to Business Program is an important way for our country to support two fundamentally American values: small business and military service.

Mr. Speaker, I encourage my colleagues to support H.R. 3537.

